Dear Tracy,
This isn’t something that moms “should” say, but being a food allergy mom…is exhausting.
When we’re out in public we have to be on high alert for well meaning people who pass out free samples in the grocery store. We have to be vigilant against other mothers in our childs’ classes who bring snacks or cupcakes or treats to class. We have to always check the labels of everything even if we’ve purchased it dozens of times before because corporations like to cut corners and make a buck swapping out ingredients. We have to be the shield between our child and a family member who doesn’t treat this as a life and death situation…or call you dramatic for getting angry over crumbly falling apart peanut butter trail bars brought into your home. (An actual thing that has actually happened in my home.)
I feel you mommas. I feel you HARD.
And that level of hyper vigilance cannot be maintained without consequences; namely…exhaustion.
And Halloween Candy?!
It’s our worst nightmare, isn’t it? Strangers passing out Reese Cups into our kid’s bucket potentially cross contaminating anything in that previously peanut free treat collection? I’m about to have an anxiety attack just thinking about it. (No seriously, I have anxiety, I’m about to hyperventilate here people.)