In Michigan, schools have been shut down for the next three weeks (plus one more week for our Spring Break). I don’t know about you, but 4 weeks of home schooling with limited activities outside the house is a little overwhelming. 

Yesterday was our first day at home and it was a little chaotic because I didn’t have any routine in mind besides saying “yes” or “no” to my 5-year-old’s requests. Today is a new day and I have a new system in place that I thought I’d share. 

It’s a schedule that’s not set in stone by any means, but gives me an idea of what kinds of activities I can plan for so boredom doesn’t set in. 

You can download my sample Daily Schedule here. 

You can customize it so it fits your family’s routine. I used this sample schedule as a starting off point. 

I laminated it with the “Notes” section pretty much blank. Then I laminated the schedule and used a dry erase marker to fill in activities that fit into each subject. 

Disclaimer: do not feel like you *have* to have a schedule in order to succeed or feel like you have to follow this to a T. Here are some ideas to help you shake up your daily schedule. 

Bonus: Head on over to our Maternity Fraternity Facebook page for multiple threads of different activities sorted by subjects. This will help get your creativity juices flowing in these next few weeks. And please feel free to add your own resource links or ideas to the threads as well! 

It takes a village. And we’re so glad you’re a part of ours!
Best wishes, 
Tracy & Jessica
Written by Tracy Paddison
I'm a mom of two boys (3 yo and a newbie) so I'm constantly moving-- playing cars, fighting bad guys, and getting tackled -- all while trying to keep a baby asleep. When I'm not mom-ing, I'm finding crafty projects to do on Pinterest, binging Netflix, and dabbling in photography.